The One Million Project is a writing project which aims to raise as much money as possible for charity.
The fundraiser was the birth child of Jason Greenfield, who started it by himself just two years ago. Now, the project boasts of 180 members from multiple countries around the world. These members consist of writers, publishers, media persons, artists, as well as others.
Jason Greenfield, in conversation with the Kent Echo, explained the idea behind the project:
“My mum had cancer a long time back, (thankfully in remission and her health is good) so I wanted to do something to support Cancer Research and other charities like the homeless that are dear to my heart.
“At the same period, I was thinking about doing a collection of short stories, and it occurred to me to combine the two. Everything just grew from there, including putting together a huge network of indie writers, artists, and others for support.”
The project’s ultimate aim is to raise £1 million for Cancer Research and EMMAUS, the homeless charity, hence the title of the project, by publishing short story anthologies written by these members.
Currently, the group have published three huge anthologies; Fantasy, Thriller and Fiction are the genres of the anthologies. All of them have a collection of short stories within them.
Seb Jenkins, a Journalism student at the University at Kent, has been a member of OMP since 2017.
“I was introduced to OMP by a mutual writing friend and was instantly in. It offered an opportunity to showcase my writing, make some great like-minded people whilst also raising a load of money for a great cause.
“The anthologies are full of amazing short stories, in different genres and styles, but all wonderfully written. I would urge anyone and everyone to buy these anthologies, or even get involved!”
Author, OMP member and blogger, Kate McGinn also spoke to the Kent Echo: “I had worked as a registered nurse for 33 years and had recently left the workforce when my mother was diagnosed with cancer. My family has been affected by cancer and I’ve watched many family members and friends fight against cancer.
“I am a vet having served as an Army Reserve Officer in the Army Nurse Corps for eight years. I have a great deal of passion about the plight of the homeless around the world and the number of homeless veterans in the US. Joining the efforts of the OMP seemed to be a good way to assist in bringing attention to these causes and to raise money.”
The anthologies are available to support and purchase on Amazon here:
Fiction: https://amzn.to/2JIS5SS
Fantasy: https://amzn.to/2rdwYkh
Thriller: https://amzn.to/2IbrTmK